Tea Bloggers–I found a few…

June 12, 2007 at 9:24 pm 2 comments


Today’s searching led me to three bloggers who attended the expo and shared with us their experiences. Here’s the links to their sites:

World Tea Expo, Parts I and II by Lisa Braithwaite, on of the Expo speakers

Art of Tea ICED Award Winning by Carl Avery

Tea with Friends by Angela McRae

Anyone else want to be added to the list?

Many tea lovers in the industry gathered last weekend at the Georgia World Congress Center for the annual World Tea Expo. I was unable to attend, but many of my friends in the industry did. Last night I had the chance to hear from my mother of her experiences and those she got to meet and speak with including: Dorothea Johnson, Jane Pettigrew, Elizabeth Knight, Lady Dawnya, and Lisa Scruggs. As I sat on the phone listening to her share her experiences (including tea at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library where she purchased her President Lincoln tea cup) my heart leaped as I decided, “I cannot miss this next year!”

So today, I went to Sphere to see if ANYONE was blogging about the World Tea Expo and found ‘0’ results. Part of the challenge at Tea Party Girl is bringing the centuries- and generations-old tradition of the tea party to the blogging platform for networking and learning purposes.

If you had the chance to visit Atlanta, those of us who needed to stay behind would love to hear about it. In the meantime, I’m working on a new list: Top Ten Tea Names-A Basic Education so you can know why I’m so excited Mom rubbed shoulders with the above ladies. Every industry has it pioneers, educators, and standard-bearers and the tea party industry is no different. While you’re waiting, peruse my Tea Reads for many of these individuals’ books and see what might strike your fancy.

And if you blog and attended the World Tea Expo~I want to talk with you!

Entry filed under: Afternoon Tea, Tea Parties, Teaching Tea, teacups, World Tea Expo.

Tea Party Recipes Tuesday’s Simple Tea Tip–on Wednesday–Child’s Tea Party

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. palatabilitea  |  June 13, 2007 at 9:55 pm

    I’d gotten an e-mail from a blog reader of mine a couple weeks back asking if I would be at the World Tea Expo. The question sort of took me aback at first–after all, it was my understanding that the Expo was ‘industry only’ and I’m just a blogger. I don’t run a shop or work at a tea company. Then Adagio’s Xine mentioned attending as press, which made much more sense to me.

    However, unlike others in the industry, attending the Expo isn’t a business trip for most bloggers…I know I’d certainly have to do it on my own dime. So I stayed at home. 🙂

    It sounds like it was a blast, though. I rather wish I *had* been able to go.

  • 2. jewellspring  |  June 13, 2007 at 10:11 pm

    The World Tea Expo is industry only. Do you sell any kind of product?

    I think the tea industry, especially those with an internet store, could learn a lot from us bloggers 😉 , but you’re right~most bloggers wouldn’t be a business trip for most. I went out looking for tea businesses who also blog. I found a few today~see my update.



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